Special Horror Anthology Edition
Our 10th anthology, Shades of Occult and Horror is Available for preorder today!
It will be live on Halloween 10/31!
Shades of Occult and Horror Anthology (#10)
7 writers + 7 choices = 7 ways to hide & shriek
Remember what hides in the dark, doesn’t always stay there…
Synopsis: With an otherworldly focus you never know if myths, alchemy, or natural magic will help or harm. But you must make the choice yourself for you are in control of your fate… or are you?
- Also note the amazing cover was created by Jojo Dominguez
- You can find her on Instagram _1cupofjojo
If you want a FREE ebook, we are looking for reviewers so contact me!
· We’re always looking for free honest reviews (Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, Instagram, Twitter, social media etc)
Below is the Write Volumes Horror Collection
Shades of Fantastic Horror Anthology (#8)
- 9 authors + 9 killer imaginations = 9 terror-rific stories
- Available to read today! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGRKXP4F
Synopsis: Let your imagination run wild but don’t be surprised if it starts screaming too. Nothing twists fantasy better than horror. In this dark fantasy horror collection, we’ll send you to another world screaming in terror or scare you with the magic in this one.
Just because it's imaginary, doesn’t mean it'll let you go.
Shades of Horrific Humor Anthology (#5)
- 9 authors + 6 wicked senses of humor = 6 stories that slay
- Available to read today! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GXF2Y3D
Synopsis: Find the brighter side of bad, the lighter side of horror, and the terrible side of funny. Write Volumes is adding shades of humor into horror, with 6 new short stories. Some stories have supernatural touches, while others have ordinary terrors. Yet all will bring a grin or a groan as you try not to die laughing. These frightfully funny stories will have you chuckle as you hide under the covers with the lights on…
Just because you laugh, doesn’t mean
you’re safe.
Shades of Horror and Strangeness Anthology (#1)
- 15 writers +15 stories =15 ways to scream
- Available to read today! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YN6K1D
Synopsis: Don’t read this collection of short stories if you don’t enjoy jumping at every sound or looking over your shoulder from now on. With 15 different short story authors, Write Volumes is bringing the color back to horror. From potentially world ending to life altering individual short stories, view the many shades of fear but don’t say we didn’t warn you. Adults only and beware, the scare can be for real… and lasting.
Read if you dare…
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