October 29, 2020 Shades of Craft – Horror Writing Special
The final Shades of Craft Horror Writing video is Horror Incidents and Endings.
Celebrate Halloween with horror writing tricks and
tips. For horror enthusiasts or newcomers this 3-part Shades of Craft Horror
Writing Special is our TREAT to you.
Treat #3 Horror incidents & Endings (on 10/29/20)
How do horror stories end?
Learn more tricks & tips in our 3rd video.
Have fun exploring horror incidents and the idea of dashed hope then the 3 basic horror endings are exposed. All good things come to an end including this pre-Halloween writing treat, BUT you can watch and learn these tricks & tips first!!!
Video below and at www.writevolumes.com
Past Episodes (also found at https://www.writevolumes.com/p/craft-video-series.html):
#1 Horror Framework Basics (released on 10/1/20)
#2 Horror Tone & Mood (released on 10/15/20)
Stories featured found in
Shades of Horror and Strangeness Anthology:
- LUCKY by CA Davis
- GENESIS by Evan Cullinan