Friday, March 6, 2020

To celebrate the launch of Shades of Transition and Transformation on 3/6, our horror anthology will be FREE first 4 Mondays in Monday in March. In like a lion (Ho-roar) out like a lamb (transformed). Besides Mondays can be horrible. Mondays in March can be worse. Cheer up with some horror. Free horror Mondays in most of March! Click on the link to our Horror book: Get Shades of Horror Here

Write Volumes latest anthology: Shades of Transition and Transformation

  It is happening all around you.  It’s happening to you.  Do you even notice?

 Transitions and transformations are a part of life.  From childhood to adulthood, from day to seasons, from the new to experienced, transitions can be subtle or life altering.  Yet they are constant if we look.

The stories in this anthology are a celebration of transitions and transformations.  The situation or lesson which inspires, forces, conspires, or demands.  Basically, anything which inflicts or releases movement from within.  The causes may be universal, while the effects are personal.  These stories show the harbingers and potential aftermaths of these adventures in the various ways they color our perceptions… in their many shades.
 What comes next?  
                      You won’t know any of the shades until you transition to the book…
So take a leap on this day to Write Volumes Shades of Transition and Transformation.

Click on the link for the Transition book:  Get Shades of Transitions Here

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